Saturday, January 17, 2009

Don't Sue Brian For Me Enron

A disclaimer before I begin: I have no legal interest in the matter of any possible copyright infringement taking place between the person who uses the object in this article that I am comparing to the Enron Logo. I am a third party who is merely making a point about an accusation that was made against me on the Newsvine site by a user who is partly to blame for my being suspended over violations of the newsvine Meta-policy.

I noticed that Brian's logo that he uses everywhere is a parody of the fallen corporate entity that was a scandal and a joke some years back. I raised this fact with Brian at the time that he was fighting with me over the subject of art, poetry, and politics on my articles on Newsvine. I posted a photograph as an illustration and he attempted to charge me with misuse of images on the page. He also went on to state that my images were posted in violation of the internet use rules and that I just used anything I wanted until I was caught. He said I did not understand the copyright laws and was misusing other people's copyrighted materials.

I attempted to teach him some copyright law by pointing out that a copy of someone's image did not need to be exact to prove that there had been an infringement. He denied that his image had anything to do with the Enron symbol for a variety of reasons and said that my suggestion just proved how ignorant I was about copyright issues.

According to him, this entry would be a violation of the copyright law because I am 'stealing his logo' for my article. The other photo is the property of Associated Press and I took it from a newspaper and it is subject to the rules of a misused item on the internet. Brian Ford's logo is being used in a news article about Brian and his logo and it is therefore news and falls under a different standard of use.

On Newsvine the laws that govern journalism do not apply to the people who post, but the one's who enforce the rules act as though they do, and that they are the enforcers.

Newsvine could sorely use someone with a degree in journalism somewhere in the vicinity to answer some of these legal questions for Brian and the gang.

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