Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Scene Where My Suspension Took Place At Newsvine

This is the scene of the suspension from Newsvine. I have collected some of the posts to show a bit more of how this thing developed. I think it can be read and understood as it is without too much further explanation.

I was involved in several disputes simultaneously as well as the normal activities of writing articles and commenting in places with people who got along with me. I was starting groups that also needed my attention.

I thought I was doing what I was supposed to at Newsvine by staying busy with projects that were constructive to the community. I was encouraging people to use the features of Newsvine that allowed new conversations to start and also was trying to keep my articles topical so they would attract an audience.

My activities were beginning to get me more attention and my articles were being placed on the front page with some regularity at this time. Brian Ford came onto a couple of my articles to put down my writing and to tell me to keep my tags in order.

This produced an argument with me about the issue of miscategorization that was picked up by Viki Gonia as well and she began to appear on some of my other articles to comment at times and to call me out on any possible code of honor violations she might find while she was chatting with me.

A partial transcript of the article where I was suspended. >

Newsvine user one >

Poor Rendered, no one will step into his quagmire.
Rendered tugged at him mommys' skirt.
"Pick me up! Pay attention to me!"

"Now, little Rendered, your dad, Revealed, needs attention right now. Why don't you go out and play with the other boys?" his harried mom replied.

"They won't let me be the captain of the team, they make fun of me because I can't do the things they do!" the little boy said.

"I'm sure when they get to know you they will be nicer."
...unfortunately, getting to know him had the opposite effect.

renderedtruth >

At the risk of appearing self-absorbed again, may I give the truth of this tale a try? I will take the initiative rather than await a reply.

After attending various schools in the Mid-West, at the point I entered highschool, I was beginning to gain some acceptance from my new group of peers and was recruited for the football team. My mother refused to sign the permission to allow me to play because she was afraid that I could be injured. I agreed to drop the issue after trying to get her to change her mind.

I wanted to play because I enjoyed the game and was sure that I could be good at it. I liked to wrestle and had an occasional fist-fight when the situation called for it, but I did not really mind not being able to play because I enjoyed myself in other areas. I liked to read and was in love with several girls and my English Teacher.

I stayed pretty busy in highschool until the time I was thrown out. It was after I had stood a kid on his head and threatened to 'use him for a pogo-stick.' I was suspended along with the other fighter, and later, after my English teacher, of whom I spoke, talked me into coming back to school after dropping out. I was placed on 'academemic probation' and failed to meet the standard after a short return and was thrown out after a controversial conferrance with the staff of the high school and the administration.

Viki Gonia in a late post after my suspension and also after the announcement that I was suspended which occurred at a lower point on the page. This anouncement is referring to my statement to her in a private email that I forwarded to other people on my mailing list.

The statement that I made to her was not a threat of any particular legal action. I said that I was intending to ‘investigate’ what my legal options were in this matter.

Her comment >

renderedtruth might be on ignore for some of you, but he's also been suspended.
Which has given him time to threaten me, via email, with legal action.

How fun. And ridiculous. Apparently, it's my fault that he's been suspended, and it has absolutely nothing to do with his own behavior, nor with what Tyler has warned him.

Original thread continues >

renderedtruth >

How might one determine consent of shared information between communicants on a vine?
What does that mean?

I am attempting to get an interpretation of the Coh from Zoilius. The Coh has been quite elusive to me and I would not like to make an unintentional violation.

Newsvine user 2 >

They stamp their little feet, shake their little fist'ies at me in frustration, then kick and scream and cry about how unreasonable I am being because of their own inability to logical give support for their rationalizations beyond hearsay, and I refuse to be convinced by superstitiousness or

Ad hominem abusive, Ad hominem circumstantial. Ad hominem tu quoque, the use of the, non sequitur, and ever so popular, argumentum ad populum, ad nausia.

So, they begin calling me an intellectual elitist, for having the nerve to have seen evidence with my own eyes, or have read a book, or study, and the gall for comprehending them, together with my arrogance to have retained what what I have learned and ability to apply it to real world situations in new and creative ways or to be articulate enough to be able to explain it in a coherent manor. And damn me to hell if I ever learn from the mistakes made in the past and mention that dirty word "History" from all those dead people who don't matter in todays modern world.

So, finding no other recourse to maintain their safe and incredulous existence, and to save their brains from exploding, from me having to have asked them to actual "Think" for themselves, for perhaps the first time in their little regimented and controlled box slit of life they visualize the world through , they tell me I am being put on their ignore list, being branded a heretic for saying the world is not flat, or they just don't reply, and I never hear from them again.
Newsvine user 2 >

The last Time I checked, the COH was written in this secret code used by intelectuals called 'English".

If you have any trouble with this, ask the NV staff.

I do not do 'interpretations!"
renderedtruth >

Have you ever turned in work that resembled what you just wrote to a University English department for a grade? Because I would like to know what the grades were and who gave them to you. That kind of verbal mishmash would get you nowhere in the colleges I have been to. I assume you can tone this character down and talk normally when you choose, correct?
renderedtruth >

the COH was written in this secret code used by intellectuals called 'English".
I don't think I have done anything that deserves such a contemptuous response.
quote of Newsvine user 2 >

Ad hominem abusive, Ad hominem circumstantial. Ad hominem tu quoque, the use of the, non sequitur, and ever so popular, argumentum ad populum, ad nausia.

renderedtruth >

Is this really all the proof you need of your own intelligence? That you can roll out a long list of fallacy titles and can possibly recite the definitions of them?

I have written essays about a lot of them. I got an A in critical thinking at my last college and it was a good experience for me. I learned things in that class from taking in the material and using it. Maybe you could link me to some of your work on the subject of critical thinking since you are apparently an expert by this statement.?
Newsvine user 1 >

quote renderedtruth: I got an A in critical thinking at my last college

Orel Roberts U?
renderedtruth >

I got an A in critical thinking at my last college
Orel Roberts U?

A Community College in Berkeley California - heard of them? Community Colleges.
Newsvine user 1 >

I certainly have heard of them, and I am even a product of our local community college. Night school for 3 years while I worked a full time job and raised my son by myself.

You'll hear people speak in disparaging tones of community colleges, but I learned a great deal there and so have a lot of other people.

footnote: This user becomes very somber and sensible when he tells of his strong feelings of support for community colleges. He should have this much of a respectfull demeanor more often when he speaks with me.


Newsvine user 2 >

Besides that glossolalia of the first post of yours to me, and the "Plying Dumb" ploy with the COH trying to use it as a trap. Sidetracking with personal ridicule, trying to establish credibility by Invoke authority, by associating for yourself with the name Berkeley. your attempts to Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad me and others? What are you doing here? You are avoiding the issue with disinformation tactics. You attempt to draw us into an emotional response without discussion of the issues. If you have something useful to contribute which defeats any argument, or statement made here, let's here it -- preferably coherently and without snide innuendo and unwarranted personal attacks, if you can manage to avoid sinking so low. Your useless rhetoric serves no purpose here if that is all you can manage.

renderedtruth >

I think you both need to revisit 'the little atheist boy,' and get yourselves in check.

note: These users had recently been on a page that I posted that was a Christmas Carol for atheists that I wrote in response to an article someone else wrote suggesting that atheists should have a winter festival of their own. I wrote a parody of the “Little Drummer Boy” which attracted these two users who argue for atheism on Newsvine. They spent several days commenting and User 2 began a dialogue with another person which went on for several days as well. It was a nice discussion of religion between an atheist and a person proposing a Christian view. I never joined in that discussion and at one point decided that they had taken up enough of my column with this personal conversation that I was tired of hosting. I told them both to vacate my column and was ignored by them for awhile and the Christian began to talk to me eventually. User 2 ignored me (possibly because he was using my column to talk to someone with the ignore feature turned on me). Under the Newsvine code of honor I was entitled to delete their comments after telling them to get going or determining that they had gone off topic. I chose to attempt to get them to utilize a feature of Newsvine that would allow them to move off of the front page of my article and into a side room area to continue their talk. This eventually led to the decision to have the Christian leave my page and write his own article to continue the talk and to link back to my page to get his conversationalists over to himself.

renderedtruth >

Are you going to make all your offensive remarks to me on the article that includes my name in the subject? I ought to ask for a favor from Mic. He should have my name in his tag line of the article because I am the subject of that page. I contributed much more to the dialogue than the author who wrote his meta article to protest his deletion.

This fits perfectly with the charge of my 'self-absorption' that was mentioned earlier by Viki Babbles Gonia.

note: There was another article posted at this time that concerned a rather strange post by a black author who proposed that whites might be less served than minorities in our society since they do not have the kind of extra supports that minorities do through their endowments and civil rights watch groups and other incentives that are used to enhance the chances of minority success. I knew this was a dangerous and volatile place for me to post. I am white and have written about minority issues on Newsvine in the past and thought that this would be an interesting page to attempt to say something about these matters. I expected the page to be deleted at any moment over the strange content but it was allowed to go on and the moderator who is black stopped on the page to make a comment or two.
At one time there were two deletions - mine and another one. They were over a comment of mine and they were the seeds of an incendiary argument between me and this other user. We were both white and the remark was something kind of snotty said to me and I returned with some rhetoric to answer. Both comments were deleted. The other guy wrote a long and windy article about his deletion and said that my comment was worse than his and was allowed to remain.

The article was deleted later by its author and there was a comment by myself on the page requesting to interview the author and a little contract that I suggested we follow in setting up the interview.
Block quote from user 2 >

Sidetracking with personal ridicule, trying to establish credibility by Invoke authority, by associating for yourself with the name Berkeley. your attempts to Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad me and others? What are you doing here? You are avoiding the issue with disinformation tactics. You attempt to draw us into an emotional response without discussion of the issues.

*Clears Throat* *Looks out from lectern* *Trys Not to Look Awkward While Drinking Bottled Water*

The conversation that began over the proper and fair use of the Newsvine service's rather singularly unique 'Ignore User' category of interface optimization, is an issue of technological social flow in the public sector. It is one that we will discuss here at length.

At the end of my notes we may have a period of Q&A where the discussion may broaden to the social consequences of blogging in general, but at this time I will keep my comments limited to the proposal to place 'each and every user flagged for abuse on permanent ignore' as was the proposal of Newsvine users in the previous days of December 2008.
So what then are the social consequences of taking this course of action? Is there anything to be gained from this?

The Newsvine is a 'free social network of affiliated news columns that operates under the authority of a users agreement known as the Coh or alternatively its full name - The Code of Honor. The "Code of Honor" was developed over time as the service grew by a democratic governance and trial and error politicing. It is an effort to bring order from chaos as in any governing law over conduct of a diverse population must be. As a tool towards this end, it allows for certain agreed on principals to be maintained. The highest aim is a civilized discourse among all users regardless of politcal prefference. A very high goal indeed and utopian at its basic root.

Is then the aim of Newsvine to have users placed on ignore over seemingly short periods of attempted social intercourse over this service? Would it not then be better to wait some period before determining that a user will not be able to assimilate to the difficult and somewhat undemonstrable goals of the Newsvine Coh in its attempt to facilitate free expression in an open forum.

Ok, I think we can begin the Questions now.

note: Newsviners occassionally put on little scenes where they perform as characters. I thought this one would be interesting. I was trying to sound like a guest professor giving a lecture on Newsvine.

Viki - blank
Lauhaul - Well-said, Viki. Spot on!
Follower - blank
>Yes, it's a secret code.
Viki Babbles Brevity....pointedly and properly.
Simple, but profound.
I think it would be better as an article titled "Things I would like to say to some people."

Right like you know how to decipher this?

OK a few questions..




renderedtruth - deleted
Tyler Adams (the paid Newsvine moderator)

Hey renderedtruth, remember when you said this?

This is all kind of irrelevant and inconsequential, one may even say self-indulgvent, but I thought I might jump in here.

This is a pretty good description of your involvement in Newsvine up to this point. Self-indulgent, irrelevant, and consequential only in that people have begun emailing me asking if there's any way to get rid of you.
I told you months ago to cut this out.

Here's the CoH - if you don't understand it, take all the time you spend derailing and emailing users who have you on ignore to go through my post history and see how it's being enforced.

Here's the Meta Policy - it's pretty darn straightforward.

You've got time - you're suspended for a month for embodying the violation of #5 in the CoH.

Next time you do what you've been doing - suggesting Viners should write articles about you, self-admitted attention-hoeing, getting your Blago on - you're gone. No appeals, no nothing.
a user will not be able to assimilate to the difficult and somewhat undemonstrable goals of the Newsvine Coh in its attempt to facilitate free expression in an open forum.
My first rule of tutoring/teaching is to never tell someone trying to learn that [subject/document/whatever] 'isn't hard'.

So I'll say this: If you can't figure out the Code of Honor, after being an active poster here for nigh six months, maybe Newsvine isn't for you.

I would like you to figure out how to use this site properly, but there are probably a thousand new users who might not understand the CoH yet, but they aren't wreaking egocentric havoc on every discussion they come across.

Then the post begins to be a mocking celebration of what happened to me.

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